About Us

What is the PVS?
The PVS Memorial Golf Tournament began in 2000, in honor of our father Pete Valdez Sr., with the purpose of reuniting the community each year, and in hopes of benefiting a charitable cause.

Family & Friends
Pete Valdez valued family, friends, and community above all else, and the “Standing Room Only” services at his funeral in 1999 were a testament to those values. The PVS Memorial has brought together Family & Friends both old and new for over 20 years.

Our Goal
To continue our fathers legacy and to benefit charitable causes like American Cancer Society, Gary Sinese Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, Operation Gratitude, One on One Outreach Food Bank, Moose Lodge Charities, Pacem en Terris Mission and Orphanage in Villa de Layvo, Colombia, and St. Sebastian School Booster Club.